Single dry plate, diaphragm spring type, hydraulically operate. 单干板,膜片弹簧式,液压操作。
Capacitor with one plate fixed and the other forming the diaphragm moved by sound waves. 带有一个固定金属板和一个能够由光波移动形成的控光装置的电容器。
As by the two sides of the diaphragm metal plate is placed, changes of gap caused by deformation of diaphragm lead to changes of capacitance accordingly. 膜片两侧置有金属板,膜片变形引起的间隔变化将使电容之发生变化。
Loosen and remove the diaphragm lock nut and lock washer, pressure plate and diaphragm from the valve stem. 松开和拆卸隔膜锁紧螺母和锁紧垫圈,从阀杆上往下压阀盘和隔膜。
Lift pressure plate ( 7) to withdraw diaphragm and stem from valve. 提升压力板(7),从阀门内退出隔膜和阀杆。
This equipment is for general assembly of clutch pressure plate assembly and calibration of diaphragm finger. 本设备用于汽车离合器压盘总成的总装和膜片分离指的校正;
It is thought that the middle plate and the inclined bracing have a large contribution to the deformation control of underground diaphragm walls. 底板预留土台纵向开挖宽度对连续墙的变形影响较小,原因在于开挖底部预留土台时中板和斜抛撑有效地控制了连续墙的变形。
Reinforcement type and steel plate type are the two principal forms of the vertical shearing joints of the underground diaphragm wells by casting in place. 现浇式地下连续墙垂直接缝的二种主要抗剪形式为钢筋型、钢板型。
The result of a numerical example shows that this method can correctly simulate the influence on the longitudinal normal stress of the box girder by diaphragm plate. Namely, it can better reflect the elastic supporting effect of diaphragm on box girder wing and web. 算例分析表明:该方法可正确模拟箱梁纵向正应力受横隔板的影响规律,即较好地反映横隔板对箱梁翼、腹板的弹性支承效应;
From the von Karman plate theory, the nonlinear bending problem of the central elastic constraint supported circular thin plate/ diaphragm under uniformly distributed pressure in lateral haw been researched in this paper. 本文应用VonKarman薄板理论.求解了具有中心弹性约束的圆薄板在均布横向力作用下的非线性弯曲问题。
High-sensitivity fiber Bragg gratings pressure sensor based on plate metal diaphragm 基于平面膜片的高灵敏度光纤Bragg光栅压力传感器
In accordance with the orthogonal anisotropic plate theory, this paper presents the design of the central diaphragm for differential pressure sensors with 3 diaphragm structure, and a design example. It is shown that the theoretical results agree well with the experimental ones. 本文依据正交各向异性板理论提出了三膜片结构差压传感器的中心膜片的设计方法,并给出了一个设计实例,设计结果和实际符合得很好。
In order to solve chromium waste water by means of electrolyzed deoxidation, we apply polyacrylonitrile carbon blanket as pole, graphite as bipolar plate, positive ion film as diaphragm, to an oxidation-reduction system, in which negative pole electrolyzes and reduces chromium waste water; 为了电解还原处理含铬废水,以聚丙烯腈碳毡作电极,石墨板作双极板,以阳离子交换膜为隔膜,组装出氧化还原电池系统。
And the material of the pin-hole plate is easily burned. As a hard-edge diaphragm, the low-frequency diffractive rings are likely to appear. 针孔板的材料容易被激光烧蚀,作为硬边光阑,针孔容易形成低频衍射环。
Based on bionic, this paper studies to optimize the position of diaphragm plate. Setting the position of diaphragm plate as the bamboo joint can enhance the local stability of high piers. 本论文从仿生的角度对高墩的横隔板设置进行优化研究,探讨了基于竹子竹节仿生的横隔板设置方法,增强了高墩的局部稳定性。
A partly finite element model using brick and plate element is developed by using large-scale general finite element software ANSYS, in order to study the member stress distribution of the main plates of steel box girder, such as top slab, bottom slab and vertical diaphragm. 论文运用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS建立基于板单元和实体单元的节段组合有限元模型,对钢箱梁顶、底板和横隔板等主要构件的受力和应力分布情况进行了详细分析。
The effects of load position is very large on the maximum tensile stress near wash plate, but with the load position relative to the U rib location associated with relatively small. Then the most disadvantageous position generally is above diaphragm or mid-span. 纵隔板附近最大拉应力与荷载作用位置相关性很大,但是与荷载作用位置相对于U形肋的位置关联不是很大,其最不利位置一般在跨中或者横隔板上方。
It is not suitable to dodge with the variable density plate in consideration of the rigour environment in space while adopt the adjustable Iris diaphragm with high reliability. 由于空间恶劣环境影响,不适宜采用变密度盘调光,而采用可靠性高的可变光阑。